It’s the UN’s ‘Decade of Action for Road Safety’, brought to you by Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button

Today marks the start of the UN’s ‘Decade of Action for Road Safety.’

The campaign was launched in the UK by the serial speeder Jenson Button (bonus points for being caught speeding in three different countries, surely?), and the reckless driver Lewis Hamilton.


Forgive me, then, if I am already underwhelmed by the proposals, which promise to focus on ‘protecting vulnerable road users’, but are still getting things arse-about-tit by attempting to achieve this through ‘greater helmet use’ and ‘safer road infrastructure’, which to me smells suspiciously like a safer road environment for faster car drivers.

The official slogan of the UN’s campaign appears to be


and I can only sigh with despair at what the ‘wearing’ part of this road safety equation involves.

Meanwhile, The Nottinghamshire Road Safety Partnership have wasted no time in getting in the act. They note that

Last year three cyclists were killed and another 63 were seriously injured on Nottinghamshire’s roads

So – time for action.

We are fully committed to reducing cycle accidents on our roads.

Sounds good. What do they think is the problem?

With a rise in the number of cyclists on our roads due to people wanting to become fitter or for economic reasons, we want to reduce the increased possibility of road collisions by ensuring that people know how to navigate the road on their cycles.

Ah yes. Of course. All those cyclists are being killed and injured because they do not how to how navigate the road. On their cycles.

But poor navigation skills can’t be the only reason for the high cyclist KSI toll on Nottinghamshire’s roads, surely? There must be some other reason?

We are really happy to support both the United Nations global campaign ‘Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020’ – which also encourages cyclists to wear helmets – and Nottingham-based charity Headway’s ‘Action for Brain Injury Week’, as they help to raise the profile of all the work and awareness campaigning that’s being done to improve road safety.

Ah, of course.

Bicycle helmets.

It’s so comforting to know that those in power – from the UN, right down to Nottinghamshire County Council – are focusing on the real road safety problem.

(Thanks to Amsterdamize for drawing my attention the the Nottinghamshire piece) 

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3 Responses to It’s the UN’s ‘Decade of Action for Road Safety’, brought to you by Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button

  1. Kim says:

    Ah yes a classic case of blame the victim. It is also worrying that the UN’s campaign appears to be sponsored by FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile). Next we will be given t-shirts with “bullet proof” written on them, sponsored Kalashnikov or Smith and Weston.

  2. Edward says:

    The order of words in the slogan is interesting. Wear your helmet first. Act (responsibly we assume) second. Believe third. It raises the question of course – believe in what exactly?

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